“Tanja never fails to amaze me and in that respect, her knowledge of special population groups, including mature aged adults, womens programs, children and antenatal, make Tanja one of the most experienced fitness professionals in the country.”
— ELIZABETH BENTLEY, Health and Fitness Manager
“Tanjas door is always open to those who need advice or help, and her mind is always on the next way to get the message out there to all within the industry. She has a dedication that is unmatched to anyone I have met in the Fitness Industry.”
— Jo Rees, Qual Triathlon Coach
“Her involvement with the youth in in-school programmes has tremendous benefits helping the youth to be more centred and better cope with the pressures of the modern world.”
“Tanja is a fountain of ideas. Her Particular passion for including people from different cultural backgrounds complemented the Centres vision of creating a place for all people to feel welcome and safe.”
— Dr. Marie Martin, Coordinator of Loftus Community Centre
“I have found Tanja to be a knowledgable, passionate educator and instructor. Her enthusiasm and use of water as a medium for exercise, relaxation and health promotion is both infectious and inspiring.”
— Sandy Fonseka, Nurse and Aquatic Fitness Instructor
“You never know what you’re going to get but I guarantee you walk away with a mountain of new ideas! I personally would’ve never presented an accredited workshop if I didn’t have Tanja as a mentor and co-presenter, encouraging and exploring outside the boundaries of my comfort zone.”
— RENEE WHARTON, AW Trainer and Business Manager
“Tanja is incredibly passionate in all her endeavours, and is very keen for her clients to maximise the most of their potential and abilities. I have the greatest confidence and respect for her as a highly valued professional in her field.”
“I have always been overwhelmed by Tanja’s commitment to lifting the profile of fitness classes and inspiring fitness professionals, by conducting training workshops and introducing new programs. I can remember on one occasion our presentation and master class met with such enthusiasm that we were the headline news in the local paper the next day!”
— LYNETTE MC GOWAN, AW Trainer and Human Resource Manager